Week 16: March 4th 2001

My goal for this weekend was to do as much of the wiring as I possibly could.  I managed to get the main wiring harness in the engine compartment done, the fuse box installed as well most of the harness in the dashboard area.  The indicator lights are done, so are the headlights, sidelights, brakes, wiper motor, wiper washer motor, & the heater blower.  Excellent progress!

Front of the car with the grille now installed:

Ok, here is a picture of the installed fuse box. The red wire that you see is taken from the battery that is just sitting in the trunk (not installed yet).  Since the battery in the TR7 is in the engine compartment, the harness has the wires to get power there.  The red wire runs from the battery to the two main wiring harness brown wires to provide power.

Ignore the clutter, just look at the instrument cluster:

Here you can see the main harness installed.  It’s not all pretty yet but will be by next week:

Headlights turned on & pods raised: